Saxophone and Electronics: Carl Raven

In January 2021 I was awarded an Arts Council of England grant to explore and develop saxophone improvisation with electronics, and to create a natural way of improvising music combining saxophone with electronic sound. The project lasts 10 months culminating in a concert. To help me I have enlisted John Butcher, Mauricio Pauly and Matt Wright. I have devoted 1 day a week entirely to the project.

I'm entering the project as an electronic music novice. Here is a log of my discoveries and actions each week.

 15th January 2021

Day 1: I contacted John Butcher and Mauricio Pauly. They're both happy to join me on my journey. A zoom with John is organised very soon!

Today I went through the Ableton tutorials in the software, and also the max for live effects building videos. I built a simple delay and reverb. The main idea was to attach my Behringer FCB1010 to the PC via MIDI and get the foot switches to control various features in Live. After a YouTube video in programming the FCB1010 I found that MIDI notes were the best form of communication between the 2 and I managed a short 5 part looping piece with soprano sax. Still unsure whether this is the best way to go, but it's possible to work in this way. 

Here's the helpful link!

I also connected up the Arduino (after finding a driver for my non-branded Arduino). I connected up my breadboard, used the Arduino Max for Live connection kit and managed to control a gain control on live with the potentiometer. Thanks to Alastair Penman for his help!

Also chatted to Larry Goves about organising a concert and discussing people who could help on the journey.

22nd January 2021

Day 2: Today my aims were to try to get an output from a volume sensor from the saxophone and output to a control on another filter.

Discovered an envelope filter follows a live audio feed then draws a control which can be assigned to any other control within Ableton. Here's how I did it.

1.    check monitor on the open channel is on.

2.    Open envelope filter on the open audio channel. It's in the Devices-Audio Effects-Max Audio Effect folder

3.     I then recorded a piano loop on an instrument channel and looped this.

4.    Set the map on the envelope follower and connected this with the volume on the piano loop channel. When I played, the loop started and stopped with the activity into the mic.

I then wanted the pitch of the saxophone to be a trigger/control for something in Live. After getting stuck on Max patches which follow audio and transmit to MIDI, ( my Max8 didn't have a 'fiddle~' command. I downloaded it but am unsure how to install it into max for live. 

I then bought TRIGG.ME patch which converts the mic to a MIDI note trigger. The threshold canb be set so a certain volume level triggers a pre set midi event. Could be a sample or a virtual synthesiser. Pitch recognition is still an ongoing project.

Also, I'm interested in spectral analysis of the saxophone triggering different events in Live. For another day.

In the pm I wired up my new £5 pressure sensor to the Arduino and breadboard hoping the pressure sensor could at some point be mounted on my saxophone. After finding an arduino wiring youtube video and finding a resistor, it worked a treat with the Arduino Max for Live connection kit. This could control live filters as I play. Looking forward to trying it with some live effects. Here's a video of the setup... 

30th January 2021

A busy week this week. Had 2 initial meetings, one with John Butcher and one with Mauricio Pauly. Through Mauricio I was introduced to some new artists, John Hopkins, LeQuan Ninh, Shiva Feshareki and Lee Patterson (who also came up in conversation with John Butcher)

The name which was of big interest to me was Rodrigo Constanzo. He has invented a M4L object called C-C-Combine which looks at a bank of samples and finds the nearest timbres/pitches from a live source or a pre existing recording/sample. After discussing the possible output of my system in terms of having material to bounce from, the thought of learning to use modular synthesizers as musical output didn't seem the way to go. The idea of a bank of samples triggered by the computer system seems like a better way forward and could provide a starting point for a composition or idea to improvise. Maybe a system which listens to an improvisation and grabs ideas from that, stores them and usues them in an interactive way.

I chatted with John for an hour on Friday too. The conversation began with asking him about process, pre-thought into creating improvised pieces and how certain recordings I am drawn towards were made. John told me of his experiments with John Durrant (sound processing and electronic music composer/violinist) and his experiences with gates triggering material. (Secret Measures album) Also being inspired by an acoustic space in New York he was invited to record in. (Bell Trove Spools album). So using a space (or virtual space) in order to filter ideas towards a certain sound. We also talked about the problems of wind/electronics music where quite often the natural sounds of the instrument were too loud compared to any output from speakers.

Then we began talking about practise techniques and how pieces were devised. He said in his early days of solo performing he prepared thoroughly and knew some outlines  and ideas before perfoming. "Now the concert playing is enough", but after yars of experience... Ideas would be very general, e.g. following melodic areas, making connections between multiples etc. We discussed creating practise ideas to let this enable improvisation. Also we chatted about transcribing solos learning in the traditional jazz improvisation way, but this was not something John had encountered much of. Joni Silver, Tim O'Dwyne and Bill Shoo had all transcribed John's music. Plenty of recorded material to listen to, plenty to practise.

The Arduino had been modified in code to make the pressure output curve more linear and much easier to control. Bluetoth module has been fitted but not programmed and I ordered a battery pack and an accelerometer to experiment with.

In Live I experimented with the midi triggers. Worked out 'Sampler' main functions and also how to trigger mapped samples. I triggered 3 different samples assigned to 3 MIDI notes all at different audio levels, rather like gates. Here's a quick instruction: 

1.    Record sample in audio channel
2.    Set up MIDI channel, load up a sampler
3.    Drag the sample into sampler.
4.    Set start of sample at start, sustain mode to 2 arrows, release mode to 2 arrows.
5.    In filter/global, add release time so the end of the sample plays even after the trigger is not active.
6.    Place receive before sampler, send goes on the saxophone input channel. Don't forget to enable input.

I also wanted to get paallel intervals from the live saxophone channel. I experimented with 2 plugins, one was the vocoder (octaves mod patch) and the other was 'Grain Delay'. I could set the delay to be very small, but then adjust freq and pitch to obtain different intervals. It also has added random functions which were fun: RandPitch and Spray. When the arduino is workable on the saxophone I'll try to control the grain delay variables with the pressure sensors. I feel the vocoder patch is for another day - it looks pretty deep and didn't fully understand why it was outputting what it was.

It seems the journey is opening up and the target is becoming ever more uncertain, but finding out things and meeting people and talking about their ideas is really a journey I'm enjoying. Mauricio and John have been brilliant and very keen to be part of the project. Thank goodness!

5th February.

Two meetings this week, one with Rodrigo Constanzo, one with Matt Wright.

Rodrigo gave me info and links to instrument builters and modifiers who combine electronic sensors and audio sensors to trigger and control computer and sampler/synthesiser based instruments. Also to check out NIME site where there's a massive amount of info regarding new musical instruments and modified instruments.

We talked about usin the sound of the saxophone itself to control parameters in Live. R had designed a MAX patch which measured and rounded numbers taken from the intrument including pitch, volume and tone/spectral centroid (took an eq reading). These numbers were quite messy and needed heavy rounding of course.

R's MAX programming was really advanced. We talked about how he developed this and a good way to start. There is a KADENZE course which I started. I now am unsure whether my system will exist in MAX or whether it's in Live with max patches. I downloaded MAX8 to try out some of the Kadenze course. He also steered me in the way of FluCoMa website, (externals, which are Max objects written by other programmers) and the work of Hans Leeuw. Talking about external sensors, motion stuff can be split into natural gesture vs unnatural, mapping natural gestures into live objects.

Matt is a composer, improvisor and electronic musician who works with legendary saxophonist Evan Parker.

We talked about setup (permanent or ever-changing), types of patches he uses, ways of manipulating samples and creating structure using canon with sample triggering and delay. Although he does program in MAX he now tends to use Live in live performance. We talked about the compositional process being similar to the improvisation process, how time feels when improvising and also utilising a multi speaker setup with his ideas on delay.

He mentioned a few players to check out, most notably Mats Gustafsson and Shabaka Hutchins.

This week the Arts Council grant arrived (part 1) so I could then order my DPA4099 mic and also register my copy of Live! at last. Richard Lewis also wrote some Arduino code for me to add my accelerometer to the sensor project. Today I happily got the Arduino talking to Live with pressure and accelerometer sensors working. Some mini rechargeable batteries arrived along with a second pressure sensor. The system will now be 2 pressure and 1 accelerometer. The next step is sorting the bluetooth communication between the arduino and Live. Then to make it a practical object to tie to a saxophone. Here is a video of the Arduino so far, plugged into Live.

From last week, I began some transcribing of John Butcher, 'First Dart' recording. More to follow!

12th February

A very technical day today. The final push to get the saxophone controller working. Received some new code from Richard and after a large amount of experimenting, got the bluetooth module and the battery working nicely with Live.  (had to revisit my GCSE physics knowledge to get resistors in series calculated from my electrinics pack!) Accelerometer, pressure sensors work wirelessly. Just some voltage regulation issues with inputs A0 and A1 to fix now, then it's for the stripboard. Ordered soldering iron, solder and Arduino nano to make the thing as small and light as possible. Circuit diagram almost drawn.

I finished the session today with more Kadenze videos from Matt Wright (a different one, from Stanford University) to learn more about Max8. Learned about a few more Max objects.

Downloaded Max8 standalone to see if my system should/could be built around this instead of Live. Still undecided. Rodrigo's Pitch/volume/timbre sensor software works with the extra Max objects (externals). Now need to work out a way to get this into Max for Live and to find out where the externals sit within Windows. It seems all this is geared up for Mac users primarily...

Also Mats Gustavson CD and EvanParker/Matt Wright CD arrived. Some inspiring stuff.

19th February

 Soldering nightmare! Spent the main part of the day trying to learn how to solder. Last done in 1990 in GCSE technology... Richard also helped with some Bluetooth power issues, some soldering help and the use of arduino nanos. Bluetooth connection seemed sketchy and lost contact with Live.

To try to achieve something of any worth, I opened up Simple Onset Descriptors Max patch from Rodrigo. Managed to get the externals from FluComa website working with Windows. It wouldn't open in M4L so I emailed for help. Came right away with a great explanation and a M4L version. Now have to learn about how the M4L system handles controls for other dials and inputs using the live.remote~ and live.object~. Looks like I need to get involved with LOM (Live Object Model) inside M4L to control patches from Rodrigo's patch. Learned you can save a patch created in Max8 as a M4L object. Just needed to add an input from Live to the object.

This video helped from Mari Kimura. Something to look at another day. 

25th February

After last weeks all-tech no music, I decided to play first to try some sounds, some Ableton packs and some new features after upgrading my Live to Live 11.

Had to spend a couple of hours sorting a .dll windows error as the Live update wouldn't run after installation. Had to reinstall 2015 C++ and uninstall/reinstall.

The DPA 4099 worked incredibly well to eliminate feedback so was able to play with the Genelecs on.

To simulate the yet to be built Arduino controller, I hooked up my FCB1010 and used the control/expression footpedals as a variable controller on PitchLoop89 plugin. I also attempted to use some of the 10 footswitches as record/playback for use in Live. It worked well enough but it was quite frustrating as the recorded material couldn't be played back at the same time as the live saxophone on the same channel through PitchLoop89. I need to look into whether this is possible. Had to learn how to use FCB1010 Manager software, create and send a systex file to the footpedals via MIDI. Hopefully I won't have to do this again. Ableton prefers note messages to control on/offs.

The freeze function in PitchLoop89 was very cool. Made an improvisation using this combined with some standard Live functionality. When making recordings of improvisations, I discovered that if wet/dry was set to 100% the arrangement window didn't record any live saxophone!

Played with DownSpiral too, a delay/pitch plugin and made a couple of improvisations using this. I still had to use the mouse/screen to do what I wanted. Having a think whether a launchpad type hardware device will be of use to avoid dragging recorded loops to spare channels.

A general thought when playing was it was easy to find interesting sounds, but to create sound when not playing was the challenge.

At the end of the day, Richard was in contact with soldering update and some further design ideas on the controller. 2 3.7v batteries seemed the way to go to avoid bluetooth dropout.

4th March

Today was a mixture of programming and experimentation with sounds.

I used Rodrigo's Simple Onset Descriptors patch and tried to get a numerial output wich numbered the notes of the Alto. The idea was to then use a software sampler, turn the numerical output to a midi message and trigger the sampler from pitches on the saxophone. Still working on how to het the midi output into a max or ableton instrument.

My next project was to assign the volume output from Rodrigo's patch to a controller inside an audio plugin. I made a patch which reads a selected dial in the audio plugin (or system dial, fader etc.) It took a good while for me to work out how to divide the output, an integer by 100 to 3 dp without max rounding to the nearest whole number. (answer: divide by 100.000).

Thanks to Mari Kimura for this video. I made a button in Rodrigo's patch which assigns a plug in dial to be controlled by the volume. It was fun to link the volume of the saxophone to a pitch dial inside PitchLoop89. Hoping to add to this to make it more useable, and to add other controls assignable from the other 2 parameters.

The next plan was to try out Looper, another Ableton plug in. I was attempting to replace the looper plug in so I didn't have to control the main functions of Ableton (recording my live recorded samples into the boxes on the main screen). Assigning foot switches to the functions of looper was straight forward, but it was hard to replicate the flexibility of the ableton record playback system. I'm still frustrated by the way you cannot keep one channel open, record on it, then play back at the same time as performing through the same audio plugins. Moving the sample across seems to be ythe only option but impossible whilst playing saxophone!

Listening wise, I listened more to Mats Gustafson. My biggest worry is creating sound convincingly whilst not playing. And being in control of structure whilst playing. I still can't decide whether an ableton controller (like push) will be necessary. Using footswtches is terribly awkward but controller is hand control only. Mats uses drones and changing textures really well. I'd like to explore controlling these types of sound using the Arduino controller.

Which brings me to the Arduino. All soldered and working with 2 batteries. Richard Lewis HUGELY helpful. A brilliant and friendly guy. Next week I'll try to mount this onto the alto and find a way to callibrate the accelerometer and to mount the pressure sensors without trashing my alto!

11th March

Today started slowly. My plan was to do 2 things: to get a MIDI output from raw data coming in from the saxophone, and to mount the arduino, map the pressure sensors and the accelerometer to some variables in an audio effects processor.

Before lunch I tried to work out in Max the way to transmit a piece of data into a note on message, then to send this note on into a Live instrument. The input variables were pitch from the microphone and the volume from the microphone. The idea was to translate pitch in Hz to a MIDI note and the volume to a 0-127 velocity variable. 

In the end it wasn't so difficult. The next problem was a limitation in Live11. The output from the mic had to be written in a patch on an audio channel. the data then had to be passed to a virtual instrument on a midi channel. Live doesn't allow for this. Eventually I found a video 

...allowing Max to send messages to other max patches within the eco system of live. Again, many thanks to Rodrigo who is not only the fastest email replyer but the most knowledgeable computer musician I know!

So, after using the r and s command in Max I then found it was possible to draw the data from the audio input to a midi output. I made a mini receiver patch where the velocity and pitch were taken from the saxophone. The length of the triggered note then is set manually. I think the next stage is to manage the note on/note off in MIDI in a more sophisticated way. I tried it as it was with a virtual instrument in MAX to try to get a drove effect to play with. (called Anomalocarys). I enjoyed the lack of precision from the input but would like it to be slightly more predictable! Tried a few odd percussive instruments too (talking drums, xyloophone type patches) which were fun, but had a trail of chromatic scales inbetween notes.

After a bit of electrical tape, sticking the arduino to the bow of my alto, and sticking the pressure sensor to my RH thumb rest, connecting 2 batteries I linked up the bluetooth and used the accelerometer and pressure sensors on different controls of the PitchLoop89 patch. I controlled pitch aon the acclerometer and feedback on the RH thumb. It worked better with the on/off the opposite way round - it felt more natural to push the thumb to cancel feedback to get to fade/silence. The accelerometer worked well after initial calibration and it was easier to control the angle of the saxophone than the thumb pressure. The pitch was then controlled with the smallest angle change, sometimes this was controlled by me, sometimes left to my natural movement. I found the clip on mic helped free up my movements. BT failed on a few occasions. I think this is down to a dodgy power source. More research needed here, but I was really happy to have played with a working device!

18th March

An hour of fun and music making with the arduino controlling PitchLoop89 ended in disaster. In the end I had to remake the board and remake connections. Bluetooth was not stable, tried new 9v battery clips and com ports on PC became confused. Some resets, code reinstalls on Arduino and chats with Richard Lewis left me really frustrated. At the end of the day I decided bluetooth was not the way forward. Despite the hassle of extra cabling, I decided to hard wire the arduino, using 5v power supply from the PC. I ordered a 3m USB cable and 3 new Arduino Nano boards. (after discovering the one I bought previously was faulty.) 

The rest of the day was spent installing frivers for the Nanos and installing Richard's code without the adjusted baud rate needed to make the bluetooth connection possible.


22nd April

Today my goal was to record some music using the hardwired arduino, PitchLoop89 and other pitch distortion patches in Ableton. I also wanted to set up the FCB1010 to gain better control of the record/play functions on Live and to set up and save controller settings so I can recall patch settings and arduino settings for each improvisation setup.

I decided to do 4 contrasting 3 minute tracks. Each one started with a fixed setup of PitchLoop89. I decided which variables to control with thumbs and the accelerometer. I also decided on 3 simple musical ideas for each improvisation.

I recorded the main input channel by setting up the first audio channel then routing it to a second audio channel, then record enabling that 2nd channel so the open mic channel remains effected by PitchLoop89 whilst the second channel can play back recorded material.

I recorded the tracks by using the global record button, then checking playback in arrange mode (TAB key) then rendering the audio into a WAV file. I wasn't sure whether the effected saxophone was recorded to file or whether the clean sax line was recorded into Live and the FX were implemented from the saxophone line. The arduino controls were also recorded. Because of the reverb settings on the open channel I'm not sure why the saxophone was recorded dry on playback when I heard reverb whilst recording. Something to look into next time.

The last hour was spent with Kadenze learning more about Max programming. I'm hoping to learn more about manipulating numbers in Max to learn more about data flow and how to extract the right MIDI data from Rodrigo's pitch output. The nature of the videos is that you have to trawl through a lot of information before finding the relevant information.

I'll publish the 4 recordings made here when they've been compressed. I'm looking forward to sharing and talking about them to John, Mauricio and Matt. (especially after hearing Matt's collaboration with Claren McFadden on R3 this week.)

29th April

Edited and balanced the recordings in Reaper and added them to SoundCloud. Recorded through Live, then balanced the live saxophone and seperate electronics track. I recorded each track as a seperate Live Set as I had to re calibrate the arduino for each setup.

I recorded 6 tracks using 3 different setups in Live, PitchLoop89, Buffershuffler and the pitch modulator plug in in Live (not a seperate editable Max for Live plugin)

I used the DPA mic into MOTU audio express, the FCB1010 foot pedals for freezing the audio and controlling output volume with my feet

20th May

John Butcher: Chat no.2

John had listened to my tracks over the past 2 weeks.
I was rather nervous as it was the first time my work of this type had been assessed.

The feedback was mainly very positive. He was impressed by the variety and the fact it was improvised without any musical preperation electronically before the recording was made. He was interested in the process and also the mechanics behind the arduino use and the software. It was a shame we couldn't meet: he seemed very interested in having a play with the software/hardware but we were both in lockdown on the whole.

Musically he was interested in extending the forms of the musical ideas, stretching them and seeing what happened over a longer amount of time. We discussed strategies, e.g. timing the performance. He talked about his early improvisations when he found the control of time more difficult to control. He mentioned quite often he is booked to improvise, but the only constraint is the amount of time to perform. Pointed me to a Steve Beresford CD he made, to listen to longer forms and also how to create electronic sounds when the saxophone is not playing. He was interested in making less saxophone sounding sounds without the saxophone's sound being prominent.

I decided to work on longer pieces instead of exploring new musical ideas and hopefully getting back to him with more recordings in the future.

27th May

Matt Wright: Chat no.2

Matt had listened to the tracks also. He liked them!

We talked about extending ideas from a composer's point of view as well as from a technical point of view.

Points were: thinking of the blend more with the saxophone and electronics as opposed to saxophone plus addons (i.e. electronics). Also don't always feel like you're controlling the electronics by playing. Let yourself play and see how the electronics respond.

Looked at Live control, automating - pre loading automations on a live set so playing will trigger various sounds/loops/patches depending on what is played and how it is played. This would involve setting up a live set for each improvisation.

Matt also suggested playing for longer amounts of time. Suggested the soundcloud tracks were good for the soundcloud medium, but live sets would need more time to settle. Also talkied about setting timers and musical processes, e.g. longer loops within other loops (live or electronic)

We talked about using this video (below) as a form for

2nd June

Mauricio Pauly: Chat no.2

Mauricio hadn't listened to the tunes, so he checked one out whilst on line. Points he made were about recording quality. He didn't like the reverb balance on the tracks and the balance between electronics and saxophone. 

We didn't get much time to chat before internet failed and he had to go unexpectedly. He talked about using Live patches as a collaboration idea, sending him my patches for him to then use and experiment with, and vice versa. We tried to reschedule after he'd listened more, but his diary was very busy with travel/commission work.

Later (June 11) we talked about concentrating on PitchLoop89 and experimenting with the sample buffer size within the plugin. He was unfamiliar with it's workings but was interested in how it sounded on the two tracks I recorded using it. Like John, he was interested in working on producing electronic sounds where the saxophone is less obviously triggering a sound or effect.

11th June

Some experimentation with MIDI continues. Found a plug in called Envelope to MPE. I put this onto the live saxophone input channel. This creates a MIDI output depending on the pitch of the sax and also volume/MIDI velocity. I used this firstly to trigger a sound of a basic virtual grand piano. The delay/processing time wasn't immediate and pitch wasn't always exact (from my saxophone too!)

I then tried to trigger MIDI events and use MIDI processing plugins to create a piano 'friend' to play with. I found a plugin called AutoJazz which creates pitch patterns using bouncing balls. Speed, height variables (bounce rates) could then be changed using the arduino. It was fun but I wasn't happy with the musical results. I think the MIDI triggers could be used to create a less obvious output sound wise. I experimented with drone sounds. This changed the material I wanted to play but I then felt I was controlling the output of the plugin instead of playing music.

I then discovered LoopShifter in Live. Not much information on how to use it out there, but I had fun cotrolling the plug in with MIDI events generated from Envelope to MPE

June 24th

Was asked to play and talk in Dartington summer school, August 2021. 

Focus moved to preparing for an actual concert. Things are opening up and concerts were beginning to get organised. I had to think about technical limitations of the work I'd been doing thus far.

I decided to attempt to switch between setups in Live. I'd be performing a few short improvisations in the festival and I wanted to make the technology easy to switch under pressure.

My biggest problem was the Arduino sensor Live plug in settings didn't save with each Live Set, so when I canged Live set, I'd have to recalibrate the Arduino sensors on stage! This takes a good 5-6 minutes as long as the COM port works well. I have on occasion spent a long time trying to get the COM port talking to Live. This can't happen on a live concert.

I chatted with Rodrigo once more via email. It seems Max8 was the only way to go. As a bonus Rodrigo used Max on live gigs as it had a quicker response time responding to input and audio.

My next problem was the Frequency Shifter plug in I'd used on a few of my short recordings. This is a non-M4L plug-in which won't work inside Max8.

I decided to learn how to create a setup in Max8. I had to work out the following:

1.    Get the arduino talking to Max8
2.    Get Max8 to read the M4L plugins I'd been using
3.    Calibrate the Arduino sensors and alter them for each individual plugin.
4.    Find a M4L version (or similar) of Frequency Shifter
5.    Learn how to capture the FCB1010 MIDI events into Max8 to control M4L plugins.

Learned how to drag M4L devices into Max and learned how audio was routed inside Max.

This process took a few weeks. The aim was to create a 'master' patch in Max which I could use without loading/saving on a live concert. Dartington is on August 14-21. I have to prepare a talk and a short concert on 20th.

9th and 10th August

Church hall booked for 2 days of practise, set up, PA and microphone practise and maybe some recording.
